Here are two recipes for coffee from Meals for Small Families. The second one is both fascinating and revolting.
For 1 person:
2 tablespoonfuls ground coffee
1 cup cold water
Mix the coffee and water together, cover closely and let stand all night. In the morning bring this to a boil and serve. When poured carefully it will be as clear as amber.
For a small pot:
1 cup ground coffee
1 egg and shell
This amount will make 3 pots for 3 successive mornings, by using one third and keeping the remainder closely covered. Take one-third of the mixture (the egg and coffee mixed together) and add 1/3 cup of water, mixing well; pour into coffee pot and add 1 pint boiling water. Let the coffee boil 3 minutes. Remove from fire and keep hot on stove for 5 minutes (not boiling) and serve.